Y Combinator

  • 网络Y组合器;风险联合投资公司
Y CombinatorY Combinator
  1. We thought when we started Y Combinator that the most important quality would be intelligence .


  2. One company that I admire is Y Combinator for realizing that there 's a new economy coming .


  3. The book would have benefited from more critical thinking , especially in examining the real returns from y combinator .


  4. When history comes to assess the present era of Silicon Valley , several chapters will be dedicated to y combinator .


  5. Y Combinator , for example , reportedly receives one application per minute , with an acceptance rate hovering just above one percent .


  6. When the company joined Y Combinator , the top comment on Hacker News asked , How is Product Hunt even a business ?


  7. Stross compares Y Combinator to writing a graduate school dissertation , an intense period of study and activity with little formal structure or curriculum .


  8. Earlier this year , Y Combinator 's president , Sam Altman , said he thought the message board might be with $ 500 million .


  9. Witness Paul Graham , a co-founder of the seed accelerator Y Combinator , imploring his staff to exercise .


  10. According to the founders , the value of the portfolio of companies that y combinator has hatched is in the billions of dollars .


  11. Hacker News , the message board of accelerator program Y Combinator , has long been the de facto online community for Silicon Valley startups .


  12. Fast Forward , an incubator exclusively for non-profits , launches this summer and has already accepted five companies ( two of which were also in Y Combinator ) .


  13. Of all the businesses he 's helped fund , Instacart remains one of the most used by Y Combinator co-founder Graham and his wife Jessica .


  14. The buzzy firms usually ones coming out of startup incubators , like techstars or Y combinator have a bit more power to ignore the blog .


  15. I also spoke with Sam Altman , the president of Y Combinator , one of the best-known providers of first-step seed money for tech start-ups .


  16. After completing the Y Combinator accelerator programme in Silicon Valley in 2011 , the founders of Codecademy , a site that teaches computer programming , moved back to New York .


  17. Y Combinator says it wants to to speed up the adoption of technologies for ordinary people , not just build " crazy libertarian utopias for techies . "


  18. Following the success of Y combinator , which spawned breakout hits airbnb and Dropbox , thousands of startup accelerator programs sprung up across the country .


  19. As Matt Krisiloff , a former director at the Y Combinator start-up accelerator in Silicon Valley said , " Start-ups are a lot less cool than they used to be . "


  20. When the company joined Y Combinator , the top comment on Hacker News asked , " How is Product Hunt even a business ? " calling the decision " another disappointing move . "


  21. Paul Graham , a partner at the Y Combinator startup accelerator , wrote in 2007 that startups usually die because they run out of money or a founder leaves .


  22. Sam Altman , president of the tech incubator Y Combinator , recently proposed to fund research into U.B.I. The firm has received thousands of applications for research funding , Mr. Altman said ;


  23. Firms like DST and Y combinator are expanding the market by converting previous non-consumers of venture capital into consumers ( at both the very late and very early stages ) and growing the market as a result .


  24. it plans to select winning recipients within a few weeks , and ultimately Y Combinator plans to spend " tens of millions " of dollars on research to answer some of the most basic questions about life under U.B.I.


  25. While many entrepreneurs vie for admission to the more competitive ones like y combinator as a calling card that can open doors to venture capital funding , some are opting out , at least for now .


  26. For a time , it seemed as if it had the golden touch - entry into Y Combinator , $ 1.3 million in venture capital and traffic pouring in from Craigslist , where it posted its services .


  27. Y Combinator , the region 's best-known tech incubator , is the latest to dream , announcing a research project aimed at stimulating ideas and designs that it hopes to use in a real-world location . It is far from alone .


  28. While some Y Combinator companies he looked at in 2006 commanded valuations in the $ 2 million to $ 3 million range , more recent graduates from the incubator program are getting $ 8 million to $ 20 million valuations , he said .


  29. As an entrepreneur , Paul Buchheit -- who is one of the partners at Y Combinator and the creator of Gmail -- always said build something that a few people absolutely love rather than build something that a lot of people just kind of like .


  30. But this is what he said : " The University of Waterloo . " It 's a public school in the Canadian province of Ontario , and as of last summer , it was the source of eight proud ventures that Y Combinator had helped along .
